Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Is Under A Blue Umbrella?

Go out. Look up. Look at the vast blue sky. Look at how much space there is between you and the nearest cloud you see. Look all around you. Pay attention to the air. Pay attention to all the space you see. Quite huge, isn’t it? That is if you would even attempt to measure it. Well, these are ideas. All of them. Those which we have always thought of as empty. Every day, every minute, and every second we breath air, we breath ideas. You see, the ideas we inhale are merely a tiny part of the unquantifiable. We inhale what we could but even that is too much for any living man to grasp. So we exhale part of it. And we live (as we know it.)

There are different ideas. Big ideas. Small ideas. Good and bad ideas. We become the ideas we inhale. Love. Faith. Charity. Hope. Justice. These are just some of those that we should keep. Exhale the rest. To some people, they choose to take in ideas like envy, greed, anger, power, and lust. I’m sure you could name at least one who does the latter. But just the same, we are all incapable of comprehending space in its entirety. We all inhale, then exhale.

Inhale… exhale… inhale… exhale… inhale. Yes, it stops here. Our lives stop at inhale. Even those who drown stop at inhale. (They inhale water which is far more complicated than air and incomprehensible, thus, causing the human body to malfunction…) Now, after inhaling just a bit deeper, let me go back to what I was saying. The last thing we do is inhale. It is only then when we stop exhaling that we’ll get full understanding of everything. But nobody can resist exhaling or force himself not to. The moment we stop exhaling is the moment we are able to grasp every idea there is. That’s the time when life here stops. It’s a huge task, but for sure we’ll all get there.
Look up again. Look at the sky. All these are under a blue umbrella. This umbrella encompasses all the ideas available for us to play around with; to live with. This umbrella never closes. The moment it does, I am quite certain that we have inhaled our last and we are ready for what comes next to living – something yet to be revealed. A much bigger space. Much more ideas. Much more profound than what we have or can ever imagine.

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